Kurrimine Beach Horse Rides have the only beach riding in the Mission Beach area and are located about 30 minutes drive north of Mission Beach.
With over 20klms of beach for your enjoyment to ride in , you will be riding in between coastal jungle and the Coral Sea in a marine park with island views on real Australian brumbies.
We often see dugongs , dolphins , turtles and manta rays chasing bait fish through the shallows with sea eagles souring overhead.
We do have a weight limit of up to 75kg for the smaller horses and up to 110kgs for the larger horses
We choose to use brumbies because of their strength, stamina and temperament.
Our oldest riders have been in their 70s . We do have a child age limit , but young pony clubbers and outback kids are welcome. Young riders under 18 years old must have a parent or guardians signature .
We supply helmets and ride in stock saddles, please be sun safe .
Waivers to be signed before riding .
We do have 30 years of experience with training & horse riding tours .
How to find us we are 1 1/2hr drive south of Cairns and close to Mission Beach by car.
Please phone us directly on 0439593191 or 0740656054 after hours. We also have have booking agents at Mission Beach ( check with your accommodation provider ) but you must ring us with in 24 hours of ride to confirm the ride ( if you only booked with out paying a deposit ) .
To get to Kurrimine Beach , turn off at Murdering Point rd ( King Reef ) off the highway and drive the 10 klms in to Kurrimine Beach , Sometimes we can be a little late as you could be as well.
Quite Kurrimine Beach village has council camping grounds near boat ramp for a small fee (close to fast food) , with stinger net , kids playground & bbq’s, showers . There is also CWA units near the boat ramp , hotel , motels , van parks , winery , post office , fish & chip shops, service station ( fuel & small goods ).
Cost for a Beach Ride:
Payment is cash as we have no eftos on the beach .
- 1 Hour ride is $90.00AUD,
- 1 & 1/2 Hour ride is $110.00AUD
- 3 hour ride is $180.00AUD & you can go swimming with the horses , this ride ( 3 hour ) is not done in the hot weather.
How to find your meeting spot:
1 & 1 1/2 rides start at Coyle st beach access . Drive in to Kurrimine Beach off Bruce Highway from Silkwood turn off , turn left at Jacob Rd (WHITE CHAPEL ON CORNER) drive to the end (YOU WILL SEE A CARAVAN PARK) turn left on to Coyle st ( no sign ) and drive to the beach (200 metres) and we will meet you there.
3 HOUR rides start at the main boat ramp , drive to the end of Murdering Point Road into Kurrimine Beach and you will see a park in front of you turn left on to Robert Johnston Pde , then a right on to Bramble st where you will see the cement boat ramp parking area , wait there please.